Wednesday, September 14, 2011

American Police State

In this day and age, we give thanks that we have a well trained, professional, responsible, and dedicated, police force to protect us....or do we?  After 9/11/01, to question the police department is seen as an act of heresy.  To question any "first responder" is seen as unpatriotic, or just downright un-American.  What most people tend to forget, and I forgot for a short period following those attacks, is that our nation was built upon the very right to question those in a position of authority over us, in order to keep them in line, acting in our interests, and not in the interests of any government.  Now, to silence those who would parrot the typical response, "our government is the people!"  The answer to that statement is an unequivocal, NO.  If you live under the delusion that our government belongs to the people, you have serious issues, and have to begin to open your eyes.  This nation has lost its full independence, and we live among a fraternity of police officers, who have been indoctrinated with the belief that their profession is the noblest of noble, and that their actions are above reproach.  They train in military tactics, and go through rigorous "boot camp" type academies, that are meant to turn out men and women who can do the job of Police Officer, and not act as the last resort for the public good.

The police, in their original intended form, were meant to be backup, to citizens acting to uphold the law, to defend themselves, and to prevent crime.  They were never intended to be the babysitters that they believe they are now.  The laws we have on our books, are intended to raise revenue for the state, and have only a secondary concern for the citizenry.  For example, tickets for J-walking.  On what planet, does J-walking constitute a hazard or danger to the community?  I'm sure some liberal pro-government whack-jobs could pose many reasons, most of which would be born of lunacy, the rest would hold water like a colander.  The act of raising revenue, through ticketing citizens for parking violations, J-walking, loitering, etc., is purely to raise revenue for the state.  Police are basically tax collectors with guns and badges.  That's being nice!

In this nation, or police have lost control.  More importantly, we have lost control of our police.  We have surrendered our independence as human beings, to police departments who act as babysitters, nannies, and all around wet-nurses, to society at large.  We are not trusted to carry guns to protect ourselves.  We are not trusted to raise our own children.  We are not trusted to judge a safe speed to drive.  We are not trusted to run our businesses.  We are not trusted in any way.  This is evident by the way police act, and the front they put forth.  Notice any officer, in almost any department.  They are para-military units.  They have high-and-tight haircuts, wear reflective sunglasses, and are generally possessing an air of superiority.  They park their cars in handicap spaces, no parking zones, and fire lanes, so they can run to get food.  They speed through red lights to get haircuts.  They race through our towns like they are the masters of the universe.  What they have never been taught, is that we are the bosses.  We are their employers, and we are the ones they ultimately answer to.  

In the past, if an allegation of brutality, misconduct, or an offense, was made by a civilian against a police officer, it was investigated by the department, and summarily dismissed.  Of course, no department will admit fault, and no department will abandon their officers, unless they were caught on camera, or some other massive amount of evidence was made public, then they would suspend him, or reprimand him.  Rarely, if ever, was one fired.  More recently, citizen counsels have been established to investigate misconduct, and this has resulted in a shift of power back to the people, but is it really enough?  The answer is a resounding, NO!  We need to take our society back from the police, and we need to do it quickly.  We need to reduce their powers through legislation, protect ourselves through restricting their powers, and eliminate "boot camps" as academies, and teach them how to be community assets, and not military occupiers.  

Let me make it clear, I am not advocating the elimination of all para-military police units, or the total dismantling of investigative units.  To keep these, would be prudent.  The solution, is to change the way we train our street cops, and we need to bring them back under control.  This is our nation, not theirs.  They have no power, beyond what we have surrendered to them, and we have surrendered too much.  

The vast majority of police officers, have forgotten who they are, and who they work for.  They drive around in cars with illegally tinted windows, illegally running red lights, illegally speeding, illegally searching people, and illegally arresting people for "crimes" that are not criminal, except when they fly against their wishes.  

The solution is simple.  We have to begin with a new force.  We begin to train a community police force, while keeping our current military style force in place.  When the new force is ready, we replace our current force by firing, or retiring, the violent officers we have now.  The new force should not have anyone under the age of 30, and should be tightly controlled by the community.  Youth tends to play a part in most problems.  Immaturity is a problem.  They should have very specific, and very restricted, duties, and should be drastically punished if they cross the lines we set for them.  When we remove the badges from the existing jackbooted thugs, we will bring them back to earth, and they will once again have to fend for themselves, just like everyone else.